
畜生島の欠損娼婦 クルス葵19歳

ここは観世音(かんぜおん)島、人呼んで"畜生島"。この島で飼われている女達に対してはあらゆる残虐行為が許される。 父親を殺され畜生島に監禁されてしまった白人ハーフ少女のクルス葵19歳、凌辱の日々を過ごす彼女の前に現れたのは元同級生の少年だった。しかしそれは心温まる感動の再会などではなく…。 元同級生による非情の残虐レイプ!眼球を破壊し乳房を切断、更にはカニバリズムまで…。少女を更なる苦痛が襲う。 最初の6ページと最後の6ページがカラー、全27ページ。 This is Kanzeon Island, or "brute Island" as people call it. Where all kinds of atrocities are allowed against the women who are kept there. Cruz Aoi, 19, a half-white girl whose father was killed and locked up on a brute island. A boy, a former classmate of hers, appears in front of her as she spends her days being raped. But it was not a heartwarming and moving reunion... Ruthless and brutal rape by a former classmate! Eyeballs are destroyed, breasts are cut off, and even cannibalism is performed... More pain strikes the girl. Total 27 pages, First 6 and last 6 pages in color. (English product description provided by the creator.)
配信開始日 2023/07/02
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